Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Grandbaby, When Will You Be Here?

Dear Peeps,

Here I am, back at my son's house and wondering if there will be a baby soon. Technically the baby is due in 3-1/2 weeks but it could be sooner. I will let you know soon if it is really a baby on the way or a false alarm. In the meantime, the house is quiet and I am waiting on word from mom and dad while I listen to the whir of a fan and any sign of my 1-1/2-year-old grandson stirring. He is asleep in his crib, totally unaware that his world could be upsidedown tomorrow at this time. A new sister. Hmmmm.

I love this old bird illustration from a 1911 postcard in the shop. It actually makes me think of little ones. Sweet little birds, very helpless in many ways. I am excited about seeing my granddaughter. I hope all goes well. We had quite the scare when Greyson was born. I was there in the hospital room for the birth. He crowned. The head delivered. Then he got stuck. Shoulder dystocia is what they call it. All I know it that the room filled with people, a countdown began to mark off the seconds baby was getting no oxygen. My son looked at me. I looked at him. It seemed like an eternity before the yells to push harder and the maneuvers done by three or four nurses and a midwife freed the 9-plus pound baby. Then all was quiet. My daughter-in-law asked if her baby was okay. I could not answer because I honestly did not know. He seemed very limp. When Greyson finally cried, it was the most beautiful sound in the world. He was not the only one crying.

On that note I will close. I am going to stretch out on the couch and wait for news from mom and dad. It could be an early morning with a 1-1/2-year-old. I have not done this in awhile!

Enjoy this day!



  1. I'm excited to hear about your up and coming granddaughter. Sure hope there are so scares like with little Greyson. Sounds like it could be any time. Here's hoping and praying that all goes well!

  2. Thanks, Diane! Me too! Maybe if this little one comes now she won't be quite so big. On the other hand we want her to come at the right time. Just heard from my son that they have her walking around. A few contractions. The real concern that took her in is the possibility of leaking fluid. xo Lynn

  3. Prayers that everything goes well! Love to you cuz!

    1. Thank you! They are on their way home. A few contractions. A little dilated. Fluid not an issue. So false alarm. But it cannot be too far away. Love you cousin Vicki!!

  4. I have just read your comment that it was a false alarm. Hope everything goes well when it is time.

    1. Thank you! I know it cannot be too long!

  5. The birth of a child, a scary and wonderful time. Hope all goes well when the real thing happens:)

  6. I will be thinking of you all sweet Lynn and your family. Exciting times! Hope it all goes well when the time comes. Espen had shoulder dystocia when he was born. He was 9 lbs 9 oz! Hugs and best wishes, Val

    1. Oh my dear Valerie!! Whew! That is a big baby. Greyson I don't think was quite that big. And you are so tiny!!
      Love and Hugs,

  7. I hope all is going well. What a tense entry to the world for your dear Greyson.

    1. Hi, Jennifer! Eek! I know! I type this stuff all the time, but when it is YOUR baby or grandbaby it gets very real! xo Lynn

  8. So excited for all of you! "The waiting is the hardest part."

    1. DJ, hey!! Thanks for stopping in. And yes you are right. xo Lynn


Dear friends, I love hearing from each and every one of you. I will always do my best to respond and to keep up with your blogs as well. xoxo Lynn